Blog & Articles - Gibb Insurance

Navigating Insurance for Rental Spaces in Windsor-Essex

Navigating Insurance for Rental Spaces in Windsor-Essex

As unconventional rental spaces become more common in Windsor-Essex, both homeowners and renters face unique insurance challenges. Being adequately covered safeguards both your financial and personal peace of mind.

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The Importance of a Home Inventory

The Importance of a Home Inventory

Be ready for the unexpected: Create a home inventory using your smartphone and ensure your peace of mind.

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Is Your Jewelry Covered in Your Home Insurance Policy?

Is Your Jewelry Covered in Your Home Insurance Policy?

Is jewelry covered under existing home or renter's insurance policies? The answer may be a bit more complicated than you think.

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Navigating Inflation - Ensuring Adequate Homeowners Insurance

Navigating Inflation - Ensuring Adequate Homeowners Insurance

Inflation drives up the cost of building materials and labour, which means your home's replacement cost is higher now than it was a few years ago. At Gibb Insurance Brokers, we can help ensure your policy is updated to reflect these changes.

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How to Save Money on Your House Insurance Premiums

How to Save Money on Your House Insurance Premiums

To save money, review your house insurance policy, your insurance needs and your premium every year to ensure you have the best coverage at the best price.

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