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Farm Equipment and Road Safety Reminders

Farm Equipment and Road Safety Reminders
It’s that time of year when farm equipment is moving from farm to field and back again!

When approaching farm equipment, it’s important to be alert, slow down and keep your distance. 

Here are some reminders: 

  • Be aware of farm equipment when negotiating hills, corners and blind spots. 
  • Be careful in the early morning or late evening hours as not all farm equipment is equipped with adequate lights, and they might be difficult to see. 
Be extra careful when passing farm equipment: 

  • Before passing, look for indicators – Sometimes tractors aren’t equipped with turn signals, so check to see if the farmer is using his arm to signal his intention to turn. 
  • It can be difficult to see around tractors and hard to judge the speed of oncoming vehicles  – It’s best to err on the side of caution and wait until the passing lane is completely clear. 
  • Check the shoulder in the distance – Many times farm equipment is wider than one lane and they travel on the shoulder – often having to move for hydro poles, narrow bridges or soft shoulders, which may cause them to move slightly into the passing lane. 
  • Check your review mirror before passing – If you’ve already slowed down behind a tractor, you need to ensure that a car is not speeding up behind you with the intention to pass you both. 
Most of all – be patient, cautious and courteous. 

Farmers are important, necessary and an essential component to our lives in Windsor - Essex County. Please share these tips with your loved ones and especially with young or inexperienced drivers.