Blog & Articles - Gibb Insurance

Tips to Help Reduce Summer Energy Costs

Tips to Help Reduce Summer Energy Costs

The heat is on in Windsor - Essex! And as we all know... cooling our homes account for a significant portion of our hydro costs. Here are a few tips to help reduce your summertime energy costs

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Simple Money Saving Home Maintenance Tip

Simple Money Saving Home Maintenance Tip

Take a few minutes today to check the rubber or foam seals around your exterior doors and set aside time to install new weather stripping if necessary.

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Time and Money Saving Spring Home Maintenance

Time and Money Saving Spring Home Maintenance

By being proactive with the maintenance of your home in the spring, you’ll feel assured knowing it’s running efficiently and safely for the entire year.

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The Importance of Sump Pumps

The Importance of Sump Pumps

Sump pumps help keep basements and crawlspaces in homes dry and their importance can not be overstated.

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Heavy Rain - Tips for Homeowners

Heavy Rain - Tips for Homeowners

Taking the time to properly prepare for heavy rains can help minimize the potential for costly repairs and other damage.

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