Blog & Articles - Gibb Insurance

The Importance of Sump Pumps

The Importance of Sump Pumps

Sump pumps help keep basements and crawlspaces in homes dry and their importance can not be overstated.

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Heavy Rain - Tips for Homeowners

Heavy Rain - Tips for Homeowners

Taking the time to properly prepare for heavy rains can help minimize the potential for costly repairs and other damage.

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It's Best to Be Prepared

It's Best to Be Prepared

"Disaster" is such a big scary, all-encompassing word... but when it comes to peace of mind, whether it be a fire, flood or storm damage; it's always best to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

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Fire Prevention Week 2022

Fire Prevention Week 2022

Today’s homes burn faster than ever. You may have as little as two minutes (or even less time) to safely escape a home fire from the time the smoke alarm sounds.

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Save Money - Simple Insurance Tip

Save Money - Simple Insurance Tip

Looking to save money? There are two simple ways you may be able to save hundreds of dollars a year.

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