Blog & Articles - Gibb Insurance

A Safe and Happy Easter Weekend

A Safe and Happy Easter Weekend

Easter weekend is a very busy weekend for drinking and driving related accidents and arrests - in 2016, 94 people were charged with impaired driving in Ontario alone.

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Lock It Remove It or Lose It

Lock It Remove It or Lose It

With the warmer weather, thieves are on the prowl looking for easy targets to steal from your unlocked vehicles. Whether you live in a city, residential or rural area, please follow the following tips:

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Protecting Your Small Business

Protecting Your Small Business

A slip and fall accident could be financially devastating for a business owner. Check out these tips to help protect your small business.

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Quick Travel Tip

Quick Travel Tip

When travelling, keeping your travel documents organized can be a challenge. Here are two tips...

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Are You Prepared to be Without Electricity?

Are You Prepared to be Without Electricity?

What if you didn’t have power for one, two or even three days? With the cold winter weather upon us in Windsor and Essex County and damaging ice storms in the news every winter, now is the best time to be prepared.

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