Blog & Articles - Gibb Insurance

Preventing Auto Theft - It Costs Us All

Preventing Auto Theft - It Costs Us All

With keyless entry, GPS, and mobile apps, criminals are finding it easier to bypass security systems and intercept signals between a vehicle and its entry fob. In just 30 seconds, a car thief can be away with your car.

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Taming Your Road Rage - Tips to Help Keep Your Cool

Taming Your Road Rage - Tips to Help Keep Your Cool

Normally calm people can get involved in road rage due to a combination of factors that can trigger intense emotions while driving. Here are some triggers and ways to avoid road rage.

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Food Safety During a Power Outage

Food Safety During a Power Outage

In the situation of a power outage and food, it’s best ‘when in doubt, to throw it out’. Although it can be a financial hardship to throw out food, it’s simply not worth your health and safety.

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Are You Prepared For a Power Outage?

Are You Prepared For a Power Outage?

What if you didn’t have power for one, two or even three days? With the hot, steamy and sometimes unpredictable heat of the summer upon us, it’s a good time to review your preparedness.

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When to File a House Insurance Claim

When to File a House Insurance Claim

Chris Gibb, owner of Gibb Insurance Brokers Ltd in Amherstburg Ontario, discusses and answers the question, 'when should I make a home insurance claim?'

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