Blog & Articles - Gibb Insurance

Spring Forward Family Safety Reminder

Spring Forward Family Safety Reminder

Please take a minute to review these two important habits to create every time you move your clocks for Daylight’s Savings Time.

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Fraud Prevention Month

Fraud Prevention Month

What does insurance fraud cost you? Do your part to help prevent insurance fraud.

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Teens and Impaired Driving

Teens and Impaired Driving

Despite widespread increases in education and awareness, the incidences of teens driving while under the effects of drugs and/or alcohol have increased in recent years.

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Icicles May Be a Sign of Potential Damage to Your Home

Icicles May Be a Sign of Potential Damage to Your Home

Tips to help prevent ice dams from damaging your home. Preventative maintenance can help protect your home, saving you time and money!

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Winter Driving Reminder

Winter Driving Reminder

According to the Ontario Provincial Police, poor driving behaviour is the primary contributing factor in many single and multi-vehicle crashes during the winter months.

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