Blog & Articles - Gibb Insurance

Determining Your Home Insurance Premium

Determining Your Home Insurance Premium

Have you ever wondered why your home insurance premium is different from your friends, neighbours or relatives?

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Windshield Chips - Know Before You Need To

Windshield Chips - Know Before You Need To

Even the smallest of chips can turn into a problem. Any amount of pressure can quickly turn your tiny, easily fixable chip into a dangerous view-obstructing and costly crack.

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Have a Safe and Enjoyable Civic Holiday Weekend

Have a Safe and Enjoyable Civic Holiday Weekend

Gibb Insurance would like to wish all of our family, friends and customers a very safe and enjoyable Civic Holiday week-end.

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A Unique Canada Day

A Unique Canada Day

This Canada Day will be like none other celebrated before. We hope you're able to enjoy the celebrations... safely!

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Road Trip Checklist

Road Trip Checklist

Whether camping, day-tripping or just exploring Windsor - Essex, a little preparation is your best bet to enjoy your road trip to the fullest.

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